Restoring Your AC System After A Power Outage

Power interruptions are often disruptive, and a particularly frustrating consequence can be the failure of your air conditioning system to restart once power is restored. Regardless of whether the outage was due to a natural calamity or an electrical malfunction, it can result in your AC unit not operating properly.

Check The Power Supply

The initial step you should take is to inspect your AC unit's power supply. Verify that the breaker switch designated for your AC unit is in the correct position. If it is not, flip it on and observe whether your AC unit starts. Also, inspect the external disconnect switch, typically situated near the outdoor unit and intended to disconnect power for safety purposes. It can be possible for the surge of power when electricity is restored to flip this switch. Inspecting it lets you determine whether it needs to be flipped back into the correct position.

Inspect And Test The Thermostat

The thermostat could also be the culprit if your AC unit fails to start following a power outage. Testing it to see whether it activates when you adjust the temperature is the first step that you should take. It can be possible for the power disruption to damage the internal components of the thermostat, or it may even cause a calibration issue. Many modern thermostats have a calibration mode to reset a thermostat. However, if physical damage has occurred to the components, replacing it or having a professional repair the thermostat will be necessary.

Recognize That The Capacitor May Have Suffered Damage

The capacitor supplies the initial energy surge required for your AC unit to commence operation. A faulty capacitor can prevent your AC unit from starting altogether. Unfortunately, this is a component that is easily damaged by power surges. One method to examine the capacitor is to remove the outdoor unit's access panel and visually assess it for damage. If the capacitor is damaged, a professional must replace it. Exercise caution and avoid direct contact with the capacitor, as it may retain a dangerous electrical charge for hours after being disconnected from the power supply.

Call A Professional To Test The AC System

If you have inspected the power supply, thermostat, and capacitor and your AC unit persists in not starting, it is advisable to seek professional assistance. An HVAC technician possesses the expertise and knowledge to diagnose and fix the problem. This may involve replacing major components of the AC system, which makes it imperative to entrust the repair work to professionals. Attempting self-repairs can be hazardous and inflict further damage to your unit.

To get started, contact an AC repair service in your area.
