Four Reasons Your Refrigerator Is Filling Up With Ice

Since the main function of any kind of refrigeration unit is to keep things cold, it seems silly to suggest that having frost inside of the refrigerator can be bad. Too much of it, however, can restrict the airflow inside the unit, as well as cause freezer burn on some of your foods. Knocking off the frost is a great first step, but how you keep it from icing up in the first place?

Below are four reasons why your refrigerator keeps developing excessive ice on the inside. Work through the list below, and contact a refrigeration contractor if you need any assistance.

Your Food Is Hot

Most people don't think about the food that they put inside the refrigerator; they simply slide it inside, close the door, and believe everything will be fine. Unfortunately, putting hot food inside of your refrigerator can cause the humidity level on the inside to rise, triggering frost to form on the inside of the unit. To prevent this from happening, simply allow your food to cool down until just above room temperature before putting it inside your refrigerator.

Your Seal Is Broken

In order to maintain a stable temperature inside the refrigerator, the seal around the door needs to be tight. If not, it might be because there is an obstruction around the edges that have caused that seal to be broken, which can increase airflow and, in turn, increase the ice on the inside of the refrigerator as well. In some cases, this may be a side effect of opening and closing the door too much, but regardless, it's a situation that needs to be remedied in order for the temperature on the inside to stay level.

Your Ice Dispenser Is Broken

Most home refrigeration units have an icemaker in one of the doors, and while they are very convenient, they can also create problems if anything is lodged inside the dispenser. Just like with the seal on your doors, an obstacle inside your icemaker's door will allow air to pass into the unit and freeze around the edges. You can most likely use a spoon to dislodge the debris, but if you can't find the ice dispenser, or you're having trouble dislodging it, contact a refrigeration contractor for assistance.

Your Sensor Is Broken

If everything on the actual refrigerator is working fine, but you're still seeing ice buildup on the inside of your unit, it could be that your defrost sensor that is on the inside could be damaged. If so, your refrigerator won't trigger the coils that are inside your doors to heat up and melt the ice whenever it starts to build up; the only way to fix it is by having a professional look at it.
