3 Things To Know About Taking Care Of A Commercial AC Systems
If you recently purchased some commercial property and you are now in charge of taking care of a commercial AC services system, it is important to note that taking care of a commercial AC system is a little different than taking care of a residential AC system.
Regularly Inspect the Ductwork
The ductwork for your commercial AC system carries the air that heats and cools your entire building. The ductwork is essential to keeping your building heated properly. Any damage to your duct work can result in your building not heating and cooling properly. Any leaks in your duct work can also really impact the amount of energy that it takes for you to heat and cool your building. Well-taken care of ductwork is essential for your commercial HVAC system.
Your entire ductwork system should be inspected at least twice a year to make sure that there are no holes or damage to the duct work. During the inspection, the connection between each duct section should be checked. Each connection should be sealed together with metal tape or mastic.
Change Out the Air Filters
Changing out the air filter and keeping the air filters clean is an essential part of taking care of your commercial air conditioning system. They help trap and remove debris from the air and ensure that the air that is pumped through your building is as clean as possible.
Additionally, cleaning the air filters helps your equipment run as effectively as possible. This is a task that will need to be done frequently in a commercial building. The air filters should be cleaned and/or replaced on a monthly basis. If your business produces a lot of air borne debris, you should clean and change out the air filters even more frequently.
Preventative Maintenance Is Essential
Replacing an entire commercial AC system is really expensive, which is why preventative maintenance is even more important with a commercial AC system. With a commercial AC system, you want to have your entire system inspected on at least a yearly basis, although twice a year is even better. It is smart to have your system inspected in the spring and in the fall, as you switch between the heating and cooling functions of the system.
With preventative maintenance checks, a professional can take care of your system and replace parts as needed, allowing your entire system to last longer.
With a commercial HVAC system, you need to make sure that you inspect and take care of the ductwork. You need to change out and clean the air filters on at least a monthly basis. You also need to make sure that you engage in preventative maintenance; preventative maintenance is much more affordable than a total replacement.